Product Development | Hardware | Outdoor Adventures
Seth Godin on Rich Roll

[From Seth Godin] Avoid Being a Wandering Generality

After his first best-selling book, he nearly quit writing. You may recognize the "unknown" author who inspired Seth Godin to keep publishing.
Sam Altman Advice

Don’t Defer Your Dreams | Advice from Sam Altman

The founder of OpenAI offers insightful advice for entrepreneurs and business leaders on building with conviction and being curious.
Amazon Fire Phone Lessons

The Success in Amazon Enormous Fire Phone Failure

Out of the ashes of the Fire Phone came multiple successful products from hardware to a service tool used all over the world today.
Marshall Goldsmith Lesson

Marshall Goldsmith: Teamwork and How to Talk Better

In a wisdom-packed conversation, one of the world's leading executive coaches offers insights on effective team work and leadership.

Top 15 Fantastic Books of 2022

My favorites from the year's big stack of books, including celebrity auto-biographies, terrific fiction, and inspiring true stories.

Why a Good Tag-Line Beats Great Engineering

The story of Swytch Bike founder Oliver Montague unlocking the value of his engineering skills by building a brand.
Listen to your advice

Two Stories on Secrets to Learning Faster

Instead of learning lessons the hard way, smart people find stories from others. Here are few examples that have stuck with me.
Inventing a New Product like James Dyson

Inventing a New Product – 3 Mistakes to Avoid

The top lessons from my experience inventing new products and advice for finding clearer focus for your goals.

Humor, Seriously – Great Combo of Science and Business

Approach things lightly and with a playful attitude to add humor to your interactions. Sometimes just laughing more is enough.
Things I've Learned this Year

50 things I’ve learned this year (2022)

Feed the pigs so they’re ready to fly. It can take 1,000 days before a business succeeds. Set up easy systems so you can keep going.